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ThankU Rewards
Earn points for new and past purchases, and redeem them for rewards.
Sign Up
Sign up as a member to start enjoying the loyalty program. Existing clients will get points for their completed purchases after sign up is complete.
Earn Points
Earn points by signing up to the site and by placing orders.
Redeem Rewards
Redeem points for various discounts.
Program tiers
Reach new tiers as you earn more points.- 0 total earned points required
Tier to start earning pointsEarn Points- Purchase a productGet 1 "Perks & Bucks" for every $1 spent
- Book a sessionGet 10 "Perks & Bucks"
- Sign up to the siteGet 50 "Perks & Bucks"
Redeem Rewards- $50 OFF WILL & LIVING TRUST2,500 "Perks & Bucks" = $50 off a specific product
- $50 OFF Luxury Vinyl Material2,500 "Perks & Bucks" = $50 off a specific category
- $50 OFF Engineered Wood Material2,500 "Perks & Bucks" = $50 off a specific category
- $5.00 OFF Gift Cards500 "Perks & Bucks" = $5 off a specific category
- 1,000 total earned points required
Next tier to more reward categoriesRedeem Rewards- $50 OFF WILL & LIVING TRUST2,500 "Perks & Bucks" = $50 off a specific product
- $50 OFF Luxury Vinyl Material2,500 "Perks & Bucks" = $50 off a specific category
- $50 OFF Engineered Wood Material2,500 "Perks & Bucks" = $50 off a specific category
- $5.00 OFF Gift Cards500 "Perks & Bucks" = $5 off a specific category
- 2,500 total earned points required
Tier 3 for Rewards and PerksRedeem Rewards- $50 OFF WILL & LIVING TRUST2,500 "Perks & Bucks" = $50 off a specific product
- $50 OFF Luxury Vinyl Material2,500 "Perks & Bucks" = $50 off a specific category
- $50 OFF Engineered Wood Material2,500 "Perks & Bucks" = $50 off a specific category
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